Ross Memorial Hospital - Kawartha Lakes
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Strategic Planning at RMH

Strategic Planning Flowchart

Every day, Ross Memorial abounds with patients, procedures and programs. As we focus on immediate needs and challenges, it can be difficult to see how the big picture impacts our actions. That’s why it’s important to have a clear plan in place, to keep our team members moving in the same direction.    

Ross Memorial completed a new strategic plan in October 2022 to guide the hospital’s decision making.

Our new mission defines and captures what we do, now and in the future.  

Delivering on the promise of a better healthcare experience.

Our vision defines our broad and aspirational image of the future. It is that ‘North Star' that we will always be striving to achieve.

To be the best for our people, patients, and community.

Our values guide us in our actions every day, in every encounter. They set the standard by which we hold ourselves, our peers and our care partners accountable:

compassion, respect, excellence and integrity.

Our strategic directions provide a framework to focus expertise, address priorities, cultivate excellence, champion collaboration, and enhance our service delivery. In order to deliver on the promise of a better healthcare experience, as valued by our patients and partners, RMH will engage in the following strategic directions:

Strategic Directions:

  1. Providing the best possible patient experience
    • Pursuing the journey of becoming a High-Reliability Organization.
    • Advancing our Master Program and Plan, working closely with our Foundation and partners.
    • Continually improving and building pride in the overall experience of our hospital.
    • Leveraging current and emerging technology to deliver more efficient and effective patient and family-centric care.


  1. Continually building a passionate team
    • Continually leveraging creative strategies and emphasizing what makes Ross Memorial Hospital special to support, recruit, and retain our people. This includes:
      1. Providing development and educational opportunities for the Ross Memorial team.
      2. Providing leadership development opportunities for our people - Leadership is a learned skill, and our leadership principles are a living expression of our culture and a critical component to our future success. Leadership principles put into action every day will greatly enhance our ability to achieve our vision ‘to be the best for our patients, people, and community.’
      3. Recognizing and leveraging the care and passion of our volunteers.
    • Purposefully nurturing and reinforcing our Ross Memorial culture.
    • Supporting our physicians and their work life.


  1. Anticipating and responding to the needs of our community
    • Collaborating and partnering with our Ontario Health Team (OHT) and community partners to identify and address community needs.
    • Optimizing our service offerings to best meet the continually changing needs of the community.
    • Ensuring our services are equitable, inclusive, and respectful of everyone in our community.


  1. Championing system improvements
    • Working within the Ontario health system to best position Ross Memorial Hospital in the post-pandemic reality.
    • Identifying new and different approaches to funding and resourcing to deliver on our strategic directions.
    • Working with others to improve the efficiency of our local system through creative partnerships.

Success will be measured through the corporate balanced scorecard, key performance indicators, the quality improvement plan, annual report, and patient and staff satisfaction surveys.

View RMH's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

If you have questions about our strategic directions, or our annual goals and objectives, please contact our Public Relations office at 705-328-6246 or email